Que viva is a show produced by Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez and Jaime King who were born in Puerto Rico. The focus of the show is to find Latin talent across the world. Despite all the stereotypes their mission is to reveal the talent of the Latin culture. Hispanics have multiple talents that have never been acknowledged which is why they’re goal is to bring their talent to the United States. They want to expose the diversities of talents that every Latin country has. They are not basing the completion in a specific talent group but it differs in talent whether it’s singing dancing or playing some type of instrument.
The contestants will be brought from their countries to
Hollywood California to compete against each other. This television show is
televised in Univision on Saturdays. Univision is a Spanish channel that televises
shows, news, movies etc. This show is an amazing way to prove that the stereotype
of Latinos is exactly what the word itself means. Latinos have a diversity of
talents. This show is not only a show to see who has the best talent but to reveal to the world what Latinos are capable of achieving. The Judges will be exploring 21countries
across the globe. Only those who have talent in what they do will have the privilege
to come and compete here in the United States It’s time to reveal the talents
in the Hispanic “world.” This show will determine who has the best talent and
each contestant will represent their country.
I think this a great opportunity to show the public that Latinos do have talent like any one else. I just wonder if other people would give this show a chance or even watch it, being the fact that it will be aired in a Spanish channel.