Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Media-a tool for white people to show their scorn to Hispanics

     The stereotype regarding Hispanic actors or actress in movies or TV series is present by some unnecessary expression. For example, in a movie (see the video), a women (Jennifer Lupe) go to the information desk and say “Excuse me?”, the lady in the information desk who is answering a phone, yell to her and say:” You need to wait!!”, her attitude is extremely bad. This scene makes the audiences feel that, if the woman is a white, she probably won’t be treated in this way.
    The other unnecessary expression in movies and TV series includes, Hispanic actress or TV series speak English with thick accent, they play the role of gang members, they are workers in the lowest social level (eg, plumber, porter) or start working under 16. Even Hispanic kids are portrayed under stereotype in movies. Boys are often portrayed as hoodies who don’t pay attention to study and always break the school rule, while girls get pregnant in early age.
    In contrast, white people often play a “good” role, like boss or rich kids, people with good education or high moral.  White boss get angry when they see Hispanic people work inefficiently and yell to them, or fool with them because they think Hispanic are stupid. Usually, white people play a role of educator who tech Hispanic people what’s social norm.
     Those expressions that happen in movies or TV series commonly are unnecessary because, they are telling the audience about Hispanic in a negative way, and make people feel that all of Hispanics are “bad”. More important, why those people who disciplines or yells at Hispanic are usually white in movies or TV series? Why they can’t also be Hispanic or other ethnicities? As a whole, media has given white people too much chance to express their scorn to Hispanics.

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