Sunday, February 5, 2012

Typical Hispanics

There are many gangs/ members here in the United States that consist a diversity of races whether they’re black, Hispanic, white or Asian which play a big part in the country. The large gangs in the United States are normally known to be Hispanics. Yes, there's diversity when it comes to gangs. However, that doesn’t change the idea of Hispanics being overseen as humans who conduct violence. According to an article written by Alfonso Aguilar and Mary Frances McCarthy,  the population of Hispanics, is about 35,000 Hispanic residents. They provide statistics from the Arlington County Police Gang Unit that state that less than 1 percent of those Hispanics are gang members. There are also Hispanics leaders that give a positive view to the race by contributing to the community. Though, the demographics from a survey done by the National Gang Center indicate that the majority of gang members are Hispanics. Over the years based on these statistics prove that the Hispanic population of gang members has increased over the years. This explains why many people stereotype Hispanics. Though, there are also large numbers of Black/ African Americans who are involved in gangs Hispanics are always the central image when it comes to gangs. All Hispanics shouldn’t be overseen as people who are more likely to be from a gang.  Although, they have the highest rate in gang population doesn’t mean they are lowlifes, drop outs, nor losers. There are many Hispanics that are successful. Hispanics are not only successful in their native land but are successful here in the United States as well. The Hispanic population is not only negatively growing but is becoming a positive impact to the community. Yes, Hispanics may be the population with the highest percentage of gang members in the United States but doesn’t mean they represent the Hispanic race.

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